Regardless how tough the year has been, the festival season always cheers us up. The good cheer and love in the atmosphere diminishes our sorrows and manages to rekindle hopes in heart. Nepali festival season is a celebration of life and all the good that it has to offer. It is a time for togetherness and bonding. 

Our festivals are typical so is our celebration, loud music, a lot of noise and firecrackers. Whether it is the noise of firecrackers or the smoke in the air, festivals can make a normally happy pet or any other stray animal turn timid, cower and hide. Animals can hear the explosions. Several times louder than we do, and they smell the smokes hundred times stronger than us. If you yourself were ever baffled by the extreme noise of firecracker or chocked on its smoke, imagine what animals have to go through. And it is also true that our sense of celebration should not be other beings misery.

Burning fireworks and firecrackers might trigger fright response in animals, they may rush and not see where they are rushing in seek of refuse or protection, this can lead to RTAs. Lightening fireworks when pets or other animals are around can cause them to suffer from accidental burns as they are unable to identify the safe distance. Scared pets might run away, they may consider home hostile environment and hence loose will to return.

Instead of burning firecrackers and fireworks, we need ensure sufficient feed and care for the stray animals during these times, because they cannot go to search for food due to noise and smoke. For domesticated animals and other furry friends we should let them react in their natural way, if they are hiding under bed we should not force them to come out. If we are visiting out, we need to take them with us if that is not possible then they should be left under supervision and care with sufficient provision of feed and water to drink.

Let’s Unite to Create Animal Friendly Festival: Safe Celebration for All.


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